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Con tutte le cautele e le precauzioni del caso, abbiamo ripreso le attività. Molto presto presenteremo i nuovi letti imbottiti, progettati e realizzati negli ultimi mesi nella nostra factory.
Andranno ad arricchire un catalogo già importante che tanta attenzione riscontra da anni in giro per il mondo.
Novaluna, letti imbottiti Made in Italy.

Having taken all necessary precautions, we have resumed our activities. Soon we will introduce our new upholstered beds, which were designed and manufactured in our factory during the last few months. They will enrich an already substantial catalog that has been met with positive feedback from clients all around the world for years. Novaluna, upholstered beds Made in Italy.

#Novaluna #MadeInItaly #Design #UpholsteredBeds